Alhamdulillah, we are blessed as Muslims to have the five daily prayers that help us pause in the middle of our busy lives and turn to our Creator. But sadly, many of us rush through them trying to catch up with life.
The irony is that we rush through our meeting with our Creator, Who has control over everything in our lives, to hurry towards meetings with people or tasks that only Allah can facilitate in the first place!
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ spoke directly about this issue. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet ﷺ noticed a man praying in a hurried manner. He said to him, "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed." This happened three times, until the man said, "Teach me, O Messenger of Allah." The Prophet ﷺ then explained, "When you stand for prayer, perform wudu properly, then face the qibla and say takbir. Then recite what you can from the Quran, then bow until you feel at ease in ruku', then rise until you are standing straight, then prostrate until you feel at ease in prostration..." (Bukhari)
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Time wasn't "precise” - divided into 24 hours, each hour 60 minutes, and each minute 60 seconds. It was more free-flowing, more natural. Below is a description of how Muslim societies organized their time from a book called “Time Sticks”: How Islam and Other Cultures Have Measured Time by Dr. Barbara Freyer Stowasser:
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A sample Khutba (Friday Sermon) that Khateebs around the world can use to emphasize the importance of adopting the Hijri calendar for Muslims. It highlights key points that Khateebs can elaborate on and customize according to the local context. Note: The standard openings and closings of a Khutba are not included, assuming that Khateebs are familiar with these elements.
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Six months earlier… “SURPRISEEEEEEEEE” Everyone yelled when Zahra, the bride-to-be walked in. Salma had invited all the girls to celebrate her best friend Supa’s engagement to Ali, the hottest bachelor of the year with the support of adult entertainment services. “Oh my God you know those irritating people who flutter their eye lashes and
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To Allah belongs what He takes, and to Him belongs what He gives, and everything has its time.
When someone dies, we often reflect on their legacy and the life lessons they parted with us. And alhamdulillah, I learned so much from my dad - especially his mannerisms and kind conduct with people. However, in this article, I wanted to reflect on his death. I learned so much in this last year from him and the dying process that I want to capture these lessons firstly for myself and my family and secondly impart beneficial knowledge to any child or caregiver as they care for a dying parent, spouse, relative, or friend:
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How might we, as modern-day designers, entrepreneurs, and professionals, reconcile the deep understanding and spiritual practice of our creative predecessors with our hyper-digital, Hustle Culture lives?
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The Arabic word "Murabbi" carries layers of meaning - at its core, a Murabbi is one who nurtures souls. This role is often viewed as belonging in formal educational contexts like schools and madrasahs. However, the essence of a Murabbi is someone who oversees the spiritual and emotional development and care of others. In some cultures, Murabbi is referred to an elder person, someone who is wise (age and experience of life), and who is respected, and is invested in nurturing souls through spiritual and emotional intelligence.
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The intention-impact matrix is a conceptual tool we've developed at The Productive Muslim Company to help individuals align their tasks and actions with long-term impact and underlying intention. This is particularly aligned with our Barakah Culture approach to productivity.
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The post Beyond Urgent: Prioritizing Life Using The Intention-Impact Matrix appeared first on
I have been a caregiver to my parents for about ten years. During this period, I moved countries, completed my Ph.D., published a book, and recently became a certified trainer
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Learn how to optimize your performance during Ramadan with these top 10 biohacks! From improving sleep to increasing focus, we've got you covered.
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